Monday, June 15, 2020

Town Hall Meeting – 7:30PM

The BCF Town Hall Meeting will be an eye opening, healthy, and honest discussion about the current racial and social justice issues facing our country and the role of our Ballston CrossFit community in taking action to drive change in our local community. We had a similar meeting at CFR7 on Saturday (which was a great discussion) and will use the same list of questions that was submitted by the CFR7 members to discuss these issues and how they affect Ballston CrossFit.

We will have a panel consisting of BCF managers and members guide our conversation. We are excited to announce that members Ryan Thompson, Anna Trigg and Sean Gooden will be leading our panel to give us insight from our black members so we can all learn from them through healthy discussion.

This meeting will be for people who have active memberships to Ballston CrossFit.

Weekly Overview and At Home Workout Times
MondayBack Squat
At Home WorkoutsCore Blast – 6:00PM JOIN HERE
WednesdayPower Snatch
At Home WorkoutsCore Blast – 6:00PM JOIN HERE
ThursdayCore Strength
FridaySquat Cleans
SaturdayLong Metcon
SundaySquat Snatches
At Home WorkoutsYoga – 10:00AM JOIN HERE

You can find all of the past workout recordings HERE!!!


E3MOM 15
10 Back Squats @55-60%


3 – 6 – 9 – 12…
Overhead Squats (95/65) (Fx: 75/55) (Rx+: 135/95)
Calorie Row