5th Annual AM vs. PM Throwdown is right around the corner! We need to finalize our competition and catering – please respond ASAP if you will be attending and if you are interested in competing!
Saturday, August 17, 4:30-8:30pm: Annual Ballston CrossFit/CFR7 AM vs PM Throwdown
Strict Press
5 x 5 (ME, Heavier than 8/14)
Perform 21-15-9
Row Cals
Push Jerks 115/80, Fx: 95/65
Rest 1:00
Perform 18-15-12
Burpees over Bar
WBS 20/14
Rest 1:00
Perform 15-12-9
Chest to Bar Pull ups Fx: Pull-ups
Thrusters 115/80, Fx: 95/65