Want your own BCF screen printed lululemon Gear?! The wait is now over!

1. Stop by lululemon athletica Clarendon to pick out and purchase your favorite product! Please note that not all product can be screen-printed, so check with their staff if you have questions.
2. Lululemon athletica will coordinate and cover the cost of screen-printing.
3. The final screen-printed product will be dropped off at Ballston Crossfit for your convenience!
Sign Up NOW for one of our two Olympic Weightlifting Courses! This May, we are holding both a Beginner and Intermediate Olympic Weightlifting Courses. Our beginner’s course is designed for athletes with less than one year of CrossFit experience. Both courses run 4 weeks and meet for 90 minutes. Click the above links to read more about each course and register.
Classes begin this weekend!
Rope Climb Technique
RX: 4 rounds of: 1 Legless + 2 standard
FX: 4 rounds of 3 Rope climbs
rest :90
10 Rounds For Time:
3 Squat Cleans 185/125, FX: 135/95
15 Double unders