Core Blast with Shauna at 6:45pm!!!
Free Beginner CrossFit Class at 7:45PM. Anyone interested in trying out a CrossFit class is welcome to come check out what BCF has to offer!!
Snatch Complex:
6 Sets
1 Low Hang below the knee Power Snatch + 1 Low Hang above the knee Power Snatch (ME)
6 x 2 Hang Power Snatch (A)
“2018 Regionals Event 6”
For time:
4 rope climbs
16 thrusters 155/105, Fx: 115/80
3 rope climbs
12 thrusters 155/105, Fx: 115/80
2 rope climbs
8 thrusters 155/105 , FX:115/80
Regionals Time cap: 7 minutes