REMINDER – bring a friend (or several friends) to WOD on Tuesday (no need to reserve, we’ll have space in class). They do NOT need to have CF experience, we’ll teach them the movements. Free t-shirt/tank to the member who brings the most friends!
Thanks to everyone for the awesome feedback on the 2014 BCF survey! Stay tuned for some changes which include an additional midweek Barbell Club, a weekly skills seminar and an additional Open Gym time!! You asked, we listened! Special thanks to everyone who filled out a Yelp review. We’re giving out a free t-shirt to half the people that filled out the review, winners listed below:
- Anna S
- Erin S
- Josh S
- Keith W
- Nikki I
- Richard W
- Rob B
Sunday, July 13 – Calling all cyclists! Lets take a ride – we’ll either hit the Arlington hill ride or take the 18 mile loop around Arlington (or both!). We will have an A ride and a B ride (led by Shelese), so all levels of riders are welcome (must have functioning bike and helmet).
Skill – skin the cats
20 min amrap with a partner (Both partners can work at the same time for all movements):
- 200m run together (if class size permits, carry one medicine ball per pair of partners)
- 20 burpees
- 30 box jumps
- 40 ABMAT sit-ups
- 50 jumping air squats
- 60 second plank hold (if a partner breaks the plank, 5 burpee penalty for both athletes)