Tuesday, July 27, 2021


Core Blast 6:45pm!

Hello Ballston CrossFit Community!!!


Thank you all for helping BCF through a very tough year and for completing our member survey. We appreciate all of the feedback that you gave us as it helps us to continue to improve our operations and your experience at the gym. 


We are extremely proud to have gotten very positive responses about our coaching team and also some great constructive feedback on how we can get even better. We believe that our coaches are the best of the best and they are dedicated to growing as coaches so that they can provide you with the best possible CrossFit experience. We can assure you that we will be continuing to refine, develop and invest in our coaching team so we can continue to deliver the excellent coaching you love!


Congrats again to our entire coaching team! We would like to once again highlight the 3 awards given out for 2021 (these were also our top rated coaches):

  • Top Rated Coach: Head Coach Brock

  • Coach of the Year: Coach Madison

  • Most Improved coach: Coach Rich


We are also very proud of our strong community. So many of you supported us through a very challenging 2020. We also continue to see you all supporting and encouraging each other through tough workouts and building great relationships before/after classes and outside of the gym. Our amazing community is one of our favorite things about BCF! #BCFfriendshipmachine




After reading through all of your feedback and analyzing the needs for BCF, we will be making some changes and improvements to the gym (some of these have already been completed).


Community Building Improvements!

There were a good number of comments asking for more community events outside of the gym. Now that COVID restrictions have been lifted we will be able to get back to organizing more events for you all and we have some things already on our schedule coming up (we loved seeing so many people come out for the Nats game!). Be sure to mark your calendars for Aug 14, 4-8pm for one of our most popular events, the AM vs. PM Throwdown and Summer BBQ!!


Make sure to be checking the events calendars (on whiteboards and on the website) for more exciting events at the end of this summer and into the fall. We would also really love to see some of BCF’s most social butterflies help us out with creating opportunities for people to get together. Please feel free to utilize the BCF members page for organizing your own BCF outings (happy hours, hikes, bike rides, etc.). If you would like some extra help with setting up an event or you just have a fun idea, email [email protected]. We also want to give a special shout out to Keith Willis for reuniting the “Silver Nanos” crew for their first post-COVID happy hour.  


Staffing Updates!

Your feedback on our coaching team is extremely helpful as we analyze our coaching schedule. The biggest (and most exciting) news is that Coach Cam is joining BCF in a full time management capacity starting August 1st! You love Cam, we love Cam, we all love Cam and now we get to see more Cam! In addition to assuming more management and administrative responsibility to run the gym, Cam will nearly double the number of WODs he coaches every week!


Schedule Changes!

BCF’s membership has begun to recover from the downturn we had as a result of COVID. As attendance continues to increase we will expand class caps to meet whatever demand we have. In the near future we will also be adding the following non-CrossFit classes:

  • Skills class moving to Wednesday evenings.

    • We hope this will allow more people to attend and benefit from this awesome class!

  • New 30 minute mobility class every other Monday at 6:45pm

  • New Endurance Class

    • In the next 2-3 months, we will be adding a new class to the weekly schedule specifically to work on long conditioning/mono structural movements (e.g. rowing/skiing/running/etc)


Technology Improvements!

  • In July, we launched our new CRM system called UpLaunch. This allows us to better communicate with members through text messaging and emails. We are excited to continue to build and enhance this new CRM system, we love it so far! If you are not receiving these messages, be sure to email [email protected] with your phone number to ensure we have it in the system. 

  • Just last week we launched our new website! We hope you enjoy it and the mobile friendly viewing on your phones.


Facilities Improvements!

  • Increased frequency of gym cleaning

    • During COVID we significantly bumped up the frequency of when the janitorial staff comes in to clean the gym. They now come 6 days/week and we will be maintaining that schedule going forward.

  • We will be adding new labels on the walls to clarify wall ball target heights. No more confusion about which red/black line you need to hit!

  • Some recent improvements that we made before the survey:

    • New Echo Bikes (much more durable replacement for our rickety old Assault Bikes)

    • More “Speal” pull ups bars (single, bare steel bars so there is more room for all of you doing muscle ups!)

    • New BCF stickers for the Ski Ergs (look fast, be fast!) – great idea Emily S!


Merchandise Improvements!

We are transitioning to online stores for all merchandise pre-orders. We had about 40 of you order our most recent design. We will likely be coming up with a new design for pre-orders every 3-4 months with the company Forever Fierce and the pre-order window will last 1 week with each design. In addition, we have created a second online store that will always be available, feel free to browse and purchase anything you like: https://www.fullyamped.com/collections/ballston-crossfit


Programming Changes!

We have seen a lot of amazing progress with our athletes in the past year and received great feedback about our programming from you all. We are very excited with the direction that our programming has taken. BCF had our best year ever in the CrossFit Open, ranking 1st among CrossFit gyms in the DMV area and an impressive 84th in the world (top 1% out of the CF gyms that participated). In order to keep this progress going there won’t be many big changes coming in the programming that are not already part of our plan for the year. As always, with questions and comments regarding programming, shoot Coach Brock an email ([email protected]) and he would be happy to help you out. We will be implementing one thing, which was the most requested, specific change. 

  • More strength-only days. We will likely do these every 1 – 2 months rather than 1 – 2 times per year like in the past.

Nutritional Education Improvements!

We recognize we could improve in this area, it’s a capability we will work on improving in the future.

Thank you all again for all of the great feedback and support!

If you have any other questions or comments, don’t hesitate to reach out.

Also, if you love BCF and haven’t already shared your experience, please write us a quick 5 star review on Yelp and/or Google, we would really appreciate it!!! Those reviews go a long way in helping new members decide to check out our awesome gym.



5 Rounds
Rx+: 3 – 5 Strict Ring Muscle Ups
Rx: 3 – 5 Strict Ring Pull Ups + 3 – 5 Strict Ring Dips
Fx: 3 – 5 False Grip Ring Rows + 3 – 5 Ring Push Up

All levels superset gymnastics reps with:
10 Gymnastics Sit Ups (Weighted if possible)


20 Jumping Switch Lunges
10 Push Jerks (135/95) (Fx: 95/65) (Rx+: 155/105)