Tuesday, July 17, 2018

Core Blast with Shauna at 6:45pm!!!
Free Beginner CrossFit Class at 6:30PM. Anyone interested in trying out a CrossFit class is welcome to come check out what BCF has to offer!!

3 Super-Sets of:
Strict HSPU x 8-12 reps (add deficit as needed) (Fx: Strict DB Press)
Barbell Row x 8-12 reps (across)
Rest as needed

For time:
Cash-in = 50 KBS (53/35) + 400m Run
3 Rounds:
25’ Handstand Walk (Fx = 25 shoulder-taps)
1 Legless Rope Climb + 1 Rope Climb (Fx: 2 Rope Climbs)
Cash-Out = 50 KBS (53/35) + 400m Run
25:00 time-cap