Tuesday, January 12, 2021


Tuesday, January 12, 2021

Arctic Core Blast – 6:45pm!!!! 

Don’t forget to mark you calendars for our FREE Virtual Nutrition Seminar and register for the Nutrition Challenge starting in January

We will post the seminar link for you to join and watch the Seminar

REGISTER FOR THE CHALLENGE HERE –> https://nobullnutrition.co/

DEXA SCAN Sign Up: Click HERE to sign up! Only a few spots remaining!

What is a Dexa Scan?
A DEXA Scan lets fitness enthusiasts, athletes, and dieters measure body composition. See exactly how much body fat and muscle you have and where.


Two DEXA scans for $150. Click HERE to sign up!

Single Scan: $90. Click HERE to sign up for the single scan



E3MOM 15
Front Squat
1: 5@60 – 65% (:03 Pause)
2: 5@65 – 70% (:03 Pause)
3: 5@70 – 75%
4: 5@70 – 75%
5: 5@70 – 75%


6 Rounds
1:00 to complete each movement. :30 rest between movements.

20/15 Calorie Row (Fx: 15/10)
80 Double Unders (Fx: 60) (Rx+: 100)