Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Tuesday: Core Blast! 5:40pm. 30 mins of Core Work. Use your membership or drop in for $10.
Tuesday: FREE CrossFit Intro Class at 6:30pm. Email: Info@ballstoncrossfit.com to join!
Thursday: Core Blast! 6:40pm. 30 mins of Core Work. Use your membership or drop in for $10.
Saturday: FREE CrossFit Intro Class at Noon. Email: Info@ballstoncrossfit.com to join!
Holiday Schedule Updates: or check the Schedule Here
Tuesday, Dec. 27 – Thursday, Dec 29
Normal schedule EXCEPT 8:30pm WOD CANCELLED
Friday, Dec. 30
Normal Schedule
Saturday, Dec. 31
WOD: 9am
WOD: 10am
WOD: 11am
Open Gym: 12pm – 2:20pm
Free Intro Class: Noon
Sunday, Jan. 1
WOD: 5:30pm
4 Sets:
10 Double KB/DB Strict Press (ME)
10 Ring Rows (feet on a Box), Fx: Feet on floor
10 Barbell Glute bridges (ME)
Rest 1:30 between sets

For Time:
50 Cal Row
50 Push Ups
50 Hang Power Cleans 115/80, Fx:95/65
50 Push Jerks 115/80, Fx:95/65
*5 burpee Penalty every time bar hits the ground
*Coaches stagger heats ~3:00
Rx+: 135/95

Finisher: 8 x 2-4 L-sit Pull ups
Fx: 5 x 5 strict Pull ups (bands if needed)