Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Sign up NOW for our 2016 Nutrition Challenge and Seminar! 2 days left to receive discounted pricing!
Discounted Signup:  before Dec 24, $75
Regular Signup:  after Dec 24, $100

What makes this year’s challenge different? This year’s challenge is all about you, your specific needs, goals, and commitment.  In this individual challenge, you’ll still have support from other participants and coaches, and activities to motivate you to get the most from the challenge, while being able to focus on your own needs.
Two Levels
  • Rx:  Already advanced in your nutrition?  Get specific by tracking and controlling your macronutrient intake and watch your performance and other results soar!  You’ll get a baseline macro split specific to you for the 4 weeks of the program.
  • Fx:  New to adjusting your nutrition or just need to tidy up your intake?  Focus on eating a balance of quality food and feel and perform better.

Holiday Schedule Changes effective Wednesday, December 23! Please RESERVE classes so we know how many will be attending these holiday WODs!
Tomorrow: regular schedule but 7:30 & 8:30pm and Boot Camp cancelled
Dec 24: 10am WOD
Dec 25: Closed! Merry Christmas
Dec 26: 10am WOD
Dec 27: regular WOD schedule (no yoga)
Dec 28-30: 4:30 & 8:30pm WODs cancelled
Dec 31: 5:30 & 6:30am, 10am, 12pm
Jan 1: 5:30pm
Jan 2: return to regular schedule

Double Under Practice
3 ATTEMPTS at Max UB Double Unders

Pet RockPartner Wod:
For Time:
150 WBS 20/14
75 Power Snatches 75/55
30 Clean & Jerks 135/95
2K row
Partner 1 works/ Partner 2 Holds 1 KB24/16 FX 16/12 in the
Front Rack Position

Finisher: skin the cats