Tuesday, December 19, 2017

This Wednesday, come out and celebrate some holiday cheer with your BCF community! During the day you’ll be challenged by the 12 Days of Christmas WOD and at night it’s time to celebrate that you survived the WOD! Friends and family welcome to join at GOAT from 8pm-11pm! Join us in the VIP area on the second floor where you can enjoy some complimentary appetizers and challenge your friends to some arcade games.

BCF’s official kickoff seminar for our 2018 Nutrition Challenge will be on January 10th at 7:30pm! Sign up now!

Snatch balance:
5 x 2 ascending
4-5 rounds:
*Barbell Row 8-10
*Floor Seated Single Arm DB Press 8-10 each side
*20 Hollow Rocks or 10-15 GHD sit-ups (max 40 if new to them)