I can officially state that I’m more fit at 39 years old than I was as a former D1 football player at Liberty University! In 2019, I continued my CrossFit journey at Ballston CrossFit and I’m very happy that I ended up here! The friendships I’ve developed with my fellow members and the coaches has become an important and meaningful part of my life. I can truly say that I couldn’t have achieved this level of fitness without my BCF friends and coaches.
I’ll never forget the day I deadlifted 600lbs at BCF when Head Coach Brock said “you got some mo in ya!” after I had already hit a PR deadlift of 585lbs. Without that little push I probably wouldn’t have tried it, partly because at that moment I didn’t believe I could do it. Sometimes it takes the words of a friend to get you to realize you are capable of doing more than you think you can. That 600lbs was the most amount of weight I’ve ever lifted In my life. I remember doing the math with Owner Tucker sometime last year and we figured out that pound for pound I’m stronger than I was when I was in my 20’s as a D1 football player. It’s many thanks to all my Ballston CrossFit friends and coaches that pushed and encouraged me to get these PRs in the past few years.
Over the span of the last 20 years, I went from 295lbs to 215lbs, from a 44 inch waist to a 33 inch waist, from 3XL shirts to wearing a size LG and feeling great about myself. I’m really proud of what I’ve accomplished at BCF as a 39 year old: 600# deadlift, 475# back squat, 165# strict press (soon to be at least 200 by the end of the year) and 255# power clean. You can also find me on the big leaderboard with a gym record 1220# CrossFit Total!!
I’m in the best shape of my life, I’m healthier than I’ve ever been and feel better than I ever have. Thank you Tucker, Brock and all the coaches, and all the other BCF fam, and especially the T-Boyz at the 4:30pm WOD for making my experience at BCF something that will stick with me for years to come.
Find Sean’s full story on our success stories page
5 Rounds
700m Run
14 Power Cleans (135/95) (Fx: 95/65) (Rx+: 165/115)
7 Ring Muscle Ups (Fx: Chest to Bar Pull Ups)
Time Cap 40:00