Tuesday, Aug 12, 2014

Last call to RSVP for the 2014 AM vs. PM Throwdown and BBQ!! Like last year, we are catering this event (thanks Adam G!) – please let us know if you’re coming so we can have enough food (free for members and $10 for guests who are eating)!  https://www.facebook.com/events/655331617874561/?ref_dashboard_filter=upcoming
Also, I’m disappointed with how many athletes have signed up to compete for the Throwdown. In the survey a few weeks ago, many athletes asked for more opportunities to compete. WELL HERE IS YOUR OPPORTUNITY!! Time to sign up guys, we’d like to have at least 16 people on each team. It’s a team event, so it’s ok if you aren’t great at certain movements (your team can pick up some work). This is designed to be a fun event and an opportunity to get some exposure competition. We will make sure the teams end up being fairly balanced (we’ll have some coaches compete as well).
Register here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1OXYJJ4pTlZtTE5amQKKYjCREKeJ-VwNSAYd1i6dt_jI/edit#gid=0
Fitness & performance:
Back squat, find heavy double

3 rounds for time:
15 box jumps, 24/20
30 kettlebell sumo deadlift high-pulls, 24/16
100 foot overhead walking lunge, 25/15

3 rounds for time:
15 box jumps, 24/20
30 kettlebell sumo deadlift high-pulls, 32/24
100 foot overhead walking lunge, 45/25
**Coaches note: 100 feet is up and back the full length of the red line