Thursday, July 26, 2018

URGENT: Unfortunately, the flooding in the building has caused electrical damage. Based on the current repair estimate, the building is shut down all day. We will not be able to re-open as planned and BCF will be closed all day on Thursday. We will keep everyone posted via the BCF Members Facebook page.

Gymnastics Strength/Skill:
Take 12 minutes to complete:
3 Sets of:
3-5 Muscle-ups (Fx: Strict Ring Dips) (RX+: Max set of unbroken muscle-ups)
40 second Nose-to-Wall Handstand hold
20 Super-Mans

Against a 10:00 Clock:
800m Run
800/650m Row
Max Rounds of:
10 Push-ups
10 Jumping Lunges

Rest 3 minutes and repeat