Thursday, December 4, 2014

We are just 3 days away from our next Homeless Hope event! If you have any unused coats, hoodies, warm clothes or blankets, please drop them off at BCF before Sunday!
When: Sunday, December 7th starting at 8am
Where: Ballston CrossFit – 1110 N. Glebe Rd. Arlington VA 22201. 
What: Homeless Hope winter clothes distribution
Why: show God’s love by providing basic necessities for homeless men and women (and sometimes children) on the streets of DC.

Come join us, or drop off a coat/blanket at Ballston CrossFit in the next few days, or make a financial donation:
“It is more blessed to give than to receive.” – Jesus (Act 20:35)
Deadlift, 5×5 (A)*
Deadlift, 5×5 (A)*
* athletes must reset after each rep (not touch and go). Do not drop any barbell reps. You will likely have to use lighter weight than you typically use for touch and go 5×5.
Fitness & performance:

  • 25 double unders
  • 15 V-ups
  • 5 burpee pull-ups