Free Beginner CrossFit Class at 12:00PM. Anyone interested in trying out a CrossFit class is welcome to come check out what BCF has to offer!!
Ballston CrossFit will be hosting @TeamRWB (@Team Red, White & Blue) annual #VeteransDay #WODforWarriors on November 11th during our main WOD times.
Team RWB insists that all veterans have the opportunity to reclaim what was most precious about their military service: an unwavering sense of belonging born of challenges that show us what we each of us is capable of. 100% of all proceeds go directly to supporting #TeamRWB‘s mission!
BCF can also compete for over $2,000 in prizes!! Let’s get together to support our #veterans, spread the word about a great organization, and PR #W4W #BallstonCrossFit #W4W #TeamRWB #Veterans #VeteransDay”
Type Ballston CrossFit in the “search fundraisers and teams” bar
Push Press
3 Sets of:
AMRAP @75%
2 Sets of:
AMRAP @80%
1 Set of:
AMRAP @85%
Rest 1 min. between attempts
Rest 2 min. between each % increase
For time
Power Snatch (95/65) (Fx: 75/55)
Box Jumps (24/20″)