Saturday, March 24, 2018

Times for completing the Open WOD:
Friday – Complete at Route 7 during their normal class times or during open gym (1 – 4:30PM) at BCF
Saturday – Normal class times or open gym
Sunday – Open gym (12:15 – 1:30PM)
A coach must be present during an Open WOD attempt

CrossFit Open WOD 18.5
Complete as many reps as possible in 7 minutes of:
3 thrusters 100/65
3 chest-to-bar pull-ups
6 thrusters 100/65
6 chest-to-bar pull-ups
9 thrusters 100/65
9 chest-to-bar pull-ups
12 thrusters 100/65
12 chest-to-bar pull-ups
15 thrusters 100/65
15 chest-to-bar pull-ups
18 thrusters 100/65
18 chest-to-bar pull-ups
This is a timed workout. If you complete the round of 18,
go on to 21. If you complete 21, go on to 24, etc.

Scaled: Jumping chin over bar pullups and Thrusters (65/45)