Join us for a fun afternoon and evening of friendly CrossFit competition between the CFR7/BCF members. This competition is specifically for those who do NOT Rx the workouts but, still want to compete! This is for the FXers, the ones who scale, the people who give it their all and want to have fun!
This is a TEAM competition with teams of 4 (Two males and two females).
This competition is designed for athletes to get some first time competition experience. If you can RX Hero WODs and Benchmarks, this is not for you. This competition is for someone who can FX some workouts, routinely scale some of the more technical movements, or are new to CrossFit.
Everyone should come out and support our competitors!!! Feel free to bring your own drinks and snacks and cheer on your fellow CFR7/BCF athletes. Family, friends, and non-members are welcome to spectate as well.
Click here and let us know if you are coming!
Register your teams here!