Saturday, January 12, 2019

Notice! The Power company will be shutting down the power at 8A.M and could be down for 12 hours! That being said… Dress warm and be prepared for the normal programming!

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Sign up now for a body composition DEXA scan (January 12 and March 23)! This is the most accurate body scan on the market and you only have to pay $100 for both a before and after scan or $69 for a single scan.  Members and non-members are welcome to sign up.

Step 1: Sign up for a single DEXA Scan HERE.


Sign up for the before and after scans HERE.

Step 2: Click HERE to reserve your time slots. If slots fill up, you will need to add in a new 10 minute time slot after the 12:00pm scan (e.g. 12:10pm, 12:20pm, 12:30pm):

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Free Beginner CrossFit Class at 12:00PM. Anyone interested in trying out a CrossFit class is welcome to come check out what BCF has to offer!!


“HSPU Test Day”
Rx+: 10 min AMRAP HSPU (4″/2″ Deficit)
Rx: 10 min AMRAP HSPU

Scaled option: 10 min of HSPU development

Compare to 11/8/2018


3 Squat Cleans (205/135) (Fx: 165/110) (Rx+: 245/165)
3 Front Squats (205/135) (Fx: 165/110) (Rx+: 245/165)
75 Double Unders (Fx: 50)