Saturday, March 19, 2022

Special shout out to McKenna D for getting 21 pull-ups in Open WOD 22.3. McKenna didn’t have pull-ups before the WOD, but she practiced and worked on technique and was able to complete all 21 of them. Dedication like this is how you accomplish your goals in the gym. Next time you see McKenna congratulate her on crushing the pull-ups!


3 Rounds
10 Goblet Cossack Squats
10 – 20 Hollow Rocks
5 Reverse Nordic Curls
5 Nordic Hamstring Curls

Tempo for kettlebell movements: 30×1


200m Run
20 Dumbbell Box Step Ups (24/20) (50/35) (Fx: 35/20) (Rx+: 70/50)
10 Hand Release Push Ups (Rx+: 15)