Monday, October 3, 2016

We will be conducting our October referral drawing after the 5:30pm WOD today! Thanks to Bill Greenway, Sean Cav, Stefanie Robertson and David Carr for their referrals – lets see who wins the free month of membership!
Remember, we have a free class every Tuesday at 6:30pm and Saturday at noon, as well as Boot Camp classes – bring your friends to check out our box! We have a ton of fun community events coming up in October/November – invite your friends!!
Strength/Skill Schedule This Week
Monday: Clean & jerks
Tuesday: Pull-up technique
Wednesday: Deadlifts
Thursday: Overhead Squats
Friday: benchmark
Saturday: Back Squat
Sunday: Strict Press
Clean and Jerk
2 cleans (squat) + 1 split Jerk
18:00 to find heaviest complex

21 WBS 20/14 all to 10″ target
15 HR Push ups
9 Power Cleans 135/95 Fx: 115/80
200 m Run