Monday, November 30, 2020

Weekly OverviewEvents/Classes
MondayBodybuilding / Conditioning
TuesdayGymnastics StrengthCore Blast – 6:45pm!
Free Beginner CrossFit – 7:45pm REGISTER
WednesdayFront Squat
ThursdayStrict Press
FridayCore Strength / Conditioning
SaturdaySquat SnatchFree Beginner CrossFit – 12:00pm REGISTER

Skills Class 1:15pm: Ankle mobiltity / Toes to bar
SundayLong Conditioning Yoga – 10:00am

Congratulations to our member, Julia and her engagement with Chris! Your BCF family is wishing you both the absolute best in this new chapter!! <3 #shesaidYES #engaged #quarantinepartnerforlife


5 Rounds
8 Double Dumbbell Bench Press (A)
8 Foot Elevated Ring Rows


3 Rounds
500/450m Row (Fx: 450/400)
15 Box Jumps (30/24) (Fx: 24/20) (Rx+: 36/30)
10 Bar Muscle Ups (Fx: Chest to Bar Pull Ups)