Overview of the Week
Monday | “Fight Gone Bad” | |
Tuesday | Power Cleans | Core Blast (6:45 pm) Free Beginner CrossFit Class (7:45 pm) |
Wednesday | Back Squats | Pelvic Floor Movement Strategies |
Thursday | Snatch Complex | |
Friday | Muscle-Ups | |
Saturday | Deadlifts | Free Beginner CrossFit Class (12:00 noon) |
Sunday | Jerk Complex | Yoga (10:00 am) Skills+Mobility (1:20 pm) |

“Fight Gone Bad”
Three Rounds, 1 minute per station
Wall balls (20/14)
Sumo Deadlift High-Pull (75/55)
Box Jump (24/20)
Push Press (75/55)
Calorie Row
1 Mile Run