President’s Day Open Gym Hours: 10:30am – 4:30pm
Overview of Week:
Monday: Push Jerk / Nurtirion WOD Retest
Tuesday: Hang Power Cleans/ 18.Zero
Wednesday: Front Squat
Thursday: Bench, BB Row/ Tabata
Friday: TBD
Saturday: OPEN WOD 18.1
Sunday: Push Press
Push Jerk:
10:00 to find a Heavy set of 3
Then: 3 sets Max Reps at 85% or Heavy Triple
Beginner: 8 x 3 (Across)
Athletes: Focus on Cycling Speed
Nutrition Benchmark Test (compare to Jan 15, 2018):
On a running clock:
From 0-12:00, AMRAP 12:
6 Front Squats (155/105#) Fx = 115/75#
8 C2B Pull-ups (Fx = pull-ups or ring-rows)
40 Double-Unders
Rest 3 minutes
When the clock reaches 15:00:
1 Max Set Unbroken Wall-Balls (20/14#)*
*Record two scores, Reps for AMRAP and Max Unbroken Set of Wall-Ball
Here I sit this Sunday afternoon, feeling blessed beyond measure. Just over six years ago, BCF hosted our first WOD (“Fran”). It was an amazing day of watching my dreams, desires and passion for fitness unfold in such a way as to lead us to today. At that time, I was SCARED out of my mind at the thought of opening a business and wondering if we could gain members. It has not been an easy 6 years, that is for sure. But it has been amazing. I am so grateful that God has led me here to this amazing calling on my life. It has been incredible to see how far the business has developed since we opened and even more amazing to see how much our athletes have improved over the 6 years (all of our top benchmark times are twice as fast as they were in 2012)!
I have to give my sincere and deepest appreciation for all of the members and coaches that have walked through these doors in the last 6 years. Each and every person has made a tremendous impact on our community! From athletes that inspire us all with their fitness successes to coaches that share my passion and serve others with the same love!
Thank you again. Every one of you. You are all family and I appreciate being able to follow my passion to lead a great CrossFit community!
See you at the box!