Registration is live for the CrossFit Open! Sign up here!
A message from Coach Brandon about the CrossFit Open:
Hey fit fam,
I’ll be heading out here to my honeymoon soon and just wanted to say a couple things about the CrossFit 2020 Open since it will start before I get back.
This will be my seventh year being around CrossFit and being apart of the Open. It may be my favorite part of CrossFit to be honest. There has been plenty of ups and downs. Some years my fitness may not have been where I wanted, but no matter what I still wanted to test MYSELF. I’ve hit plenty of PRs along the way (max clean and jerk, multiple heavy snatches, first ring muscle up, etc.). I have also had plenty of failures…but no matter what happened, I was always happy BECAUSE I TRIED and gave my best effort.
We come into CrossFit Route 7 and work our tails off day in and day out. Why wouldn’t you want to take this opportunity and test all of the hard work YOU have been putting in!?!? It’s crazy to me if you don’t sign up.
With saying all of that…this is a community event, this is the best chance to cheer on your fellow gym member. Someone you know who has been trying so hard to get that first pull-up. Encourage them, let them now how close they are, and maybe the Open will give them that little extra boost they need.
At the end of the 5 brutal workouts, we will close the Open with a celebration. Our top ten male/female athletes will show us what they are made of as we cheer them on in their final workout (November 8th). This community is amazing and I wouldn’t want anyone to miss out on meeting some of these incredible people that we have here. I know life is busy and you may only be able to come in for the 6:00am WOD. But, this is a great way to get in and see what this gym is all about.
So please don’t be afraid I know some of us are still on the fence about signing up. There are only positives that come out of signing up for the open. As long as you have the right mindset and realize where you are in life.
E2MOM 14
4 Strict Press (Max Effort)
4 Rounds
200m Run
25 Kettlebell Swings (32/24) (Fx: 24/16) (Rx+: Unbroken)
50 ft. Handstand Walk (Rx+: Each 25 ft. unbroken) (Fx: Bear Crawl)
Time Cap: 18 minutes.