Stay dry! Please leave umbrellas and wet gear outside or on the front door mat.
Boot camp at 5:30pm!
Weekend notes: Open gym for this Sat is condensed and running from 12-1:15pm.
4 rounds of:
10 Strict HSPU Rx+, 10 kipping HSPU (Rx) 4 Wall Walks(Fx)
10 oh reverse alternating legs lunges (5 each side rt arm/lf arm)
10 Alternating single arm Russian KB swings (5 each arm)
10 oh alternating step back lunges(5 each arm)
10 goblet squats
(Rx/Fx:Kipping, 53/35)
Cash Out: 30 Strict Pull-Ups(Rx) / 60 Ring Rows(Fx)
Finisher: Rope climbing technique or 12 rope climbs for time (bring your TALL SOCKS or $10 to buy some)