We are back in action! Check Zen Planner for new schedule and to reserve for outdoor WODs!!! There are some new additions to the schedule to offset the small class sizes.
Virtual Classes!
CrossFit – 1:30PM JOIN HERE
Nutrition Seminar – 5:00PM JOIN HERE
Phase 1 Member’s Guide
We are extremely excited to have all of you back at BCF to start training again. As we move through the reopening phases it will be extremely important that we all strictly adhere to guidelines outlined by government officials. It will be the best way to get you all back at the gym while keeping you safe and healthy. We very much appreciate all of you being patient as we know this is not the ideal situation for having a CrossFit class. We are doing our absolute best to provide you all a good experience at the gym within the constraints of current regulations.
Through Phase 1 of the reopening process our workouts will be a little different than normal in a few ways:
- We will be restricted with our equipment choices as we do not want to waste time bringing tons of equipment in and out of the gym and everything that we use will need to be sanitized before, during, and after classes.
- Most of us have had some pretty drastic changes to our workout routines. Whether that be not having equipment, having limited time to exercise, or just lacking some motivation without your workout buddies, we will need a period of reacclimation to the normally intense style of training that we do at BCF.
Below are the procedures that we will be following for your time at the gym.
Reserving for Class
- You must RESERVE for class through Zen Planner. Classes can be reserved 1 week in advance. You may not show up to class if you have not reserved.
- If you do not show up to a class that you had reserved you will be barred from that class time for 30 days.
- Reservations can be cancelled up to 1 hour before class. If you need to cancel after that 1 hour window has passed you need to contact the gym via email or phone. If we do not answer your call, leave a voicemail message explaining your situation. Please do your best to drop your reservation 1 hour prior to class to ensure another member can come in to workout.
- If you are waitlisted for a class, be sure to check 1 hour prior to class to see if you were bumped into the class if others dropped their reservations.
General Guidelines
- Before you come to workout, you will need to sign our updated waiver. You can do this through the Zen Planner app. You should be prompted to do so by a notification on your home screen or in the “Notifications” section of your profile.
- Follow the coaches directions to ensure a safe workout environment. All of the coaches have gone through a training session regarding the guidelines to be followed and will be in charge of making sure that all members adhere to them.
- Please keep at least a distance of 10ft between yourself and other members/coaches.
- You may wear headphones to listen to music during the METCON, but not the strength/skill.
- Please bring a reusable water bottle. The water fountains will be closed off but you may use the refill station.
- If you wish to mobilize before or after class it must be done at home.
- For the entire class, all equipment must be controlled to the ground. NO DROPPING!
- There will be no music outside, and NO yelling. Athletes and coaches must use a conversational volume when speaking (if we distract our neighbors in the apartment building we could lose our privileges to workout on the sidewalk).
- WHAT IF IT IS RAINING?!?!? If it begins to rain during your class, we will as quickly as possible and, following the procedures outlined below, get all of the equipment inside of the gym to protect it from damage. If it is raining during your reserved class time, you can assume it is cancelled.
Class Structure
- All class flow is marked on a diagram at the bottom of these instructions.
- Before your class, you may wait in the area marked on the diagram at the bottom of the instructions. Please maintain social distancing from the class in progress and other members waiting.
- At the start of class the coach will brief you on the WOD and the equipment that you will need. After that, they will assign you a workout station.
- You will be allowed in the gym 2 at a time to grab your equipment keeping a 10ft distance at all times from other members/coaches.
- The equipment will be collected from it’s normal storage area by the first class and all classes after that will collect it from the main floor.
- While you are waiting to enter the gym you should be in your workout station beginning the prescribed warm up.
- When entering the gym to gather equipment, you should enter through the door near the stereo and whiteboard.
- Before grabbing equipment, you must sanitize or wash your hands.
- Next, you will wipe down your equipment with a disinfectant wipe and take it outside to your work station.
- When you exit, go through the door closest to the platform and back to your work station.
- At the end of class, you will return your equipment to the equipment collection area 2 at a time maintaining a 10 foot distance between each other and following the same in/out door pattern.
- You will, again, sanitize the equipment with a disinfectant wipe.
- Before leaving you must sanitize or wash your hands.
- You will then need to immediately leave the gym through the door by the platform and either head to the right around the building or around the far side of the fountain keeping your distance from other members/coaches.

E3MOM 15
12 Front Squats (↑)
6 Back Rack Lunges (95/65) (Fx: 75/55) (Rx+: 115/80)
8 Push Jerks (95/65) (Fx: 75/55) (Rx+: 115/80)
10 Sit Ups
E3MOM 15
5 Candle Sticks (Two Foot Landing)
10 Cossack Squats
10 Pistols (Fx: Weighted Narrow Stance Squats) (Rx+: Weighted Pistols)
Complete 32 Intervals of:
:20 Work/:10 Rest, Alternating Movements Each Interval
1: High Plank Shoulder Taps
2: Box Jumps or Tuck Jumps
3: Burpees
4: DB/KB Snatches