Friday, March 9, 2018

REMINDER: Reserve your spot for Saturday’s WOD. If you have not reserved and the class is full, you will be unable to join that class time.
Times for completing the Open WOD:
Friday – Complete at Route 7 during their normal class times or during open gym (1 – 4:30PM) at BCF
Saturday – Normal class times or open gym
Sunday – Open gym (12:15 – 1:15PM)
A coach must be present during an Open WOD attempt


Power snatch
5×2 (athlete chooses across or ascending weight)

For Time:

4 Rounds Fx = 3 Rounds
5 ring rows
10 pistols
15 wall balls
20 sit-ups
25 mountain climbers

Post-WOD Finisher

Bar muscle up skills and drills