Sign Up NOW for one of our two Olympic Weightlifting Courses! This May, we are holding both a Beginner and Intermediate Olympic Weightlifting Courses. Our beginner’s course is designed for athletes with less than one year of CrossFit experience. Both courses run 4 weeks and meet for 90 minutes. Click the above links to read more about each course and register.
Route 7 Rumble is THIS WEEKEND at CrossFit Route 7!! Come out and support your fellow athletes who are competing! We are still in need of volunteers as well, let BJ know if you can help out!
Back Squat
5@75%, 3@85 and 1+ @95%
12 rounds :30 work/:30 rest
Station 1: 10 m shuttles
Station 2: WBS 20/14
Station 3: SDHP 115/80, FX 95/65