EMOTM 10: 1 power clean, 2 front squats, 1 shoulder to overhead For Time: 100 Double Unders 75 Push Press 75/55* 50 Burpees Over the bar 25 C2B Pull ups *no one is allowed to “drop” this light barbell on the ground/platform, must place it downRead More
Yoga with Jenna at 10am (may want to bring layers as it may be chilly) – free for members and $10 for friends! ========================================== Thrusters 5 x 2 (ME) 4 rounds: Run 200m 15 KB swings (24/16) 15 Goblet Squats (24/16)Read More
Free class at noon- bring your friends! Tonight!- 4th Annual BCF vs. CFR7 Throwdown, 6-9pm then out for drinks. Come support our competitors and meet some new friends! https://www.facebook.com/events/180727718929063/ =================== Deadlifts 5 x 3 (A) 6 Rounds for time: 12 Push Press 95/65 12 Front Rack Lunges 95/65 FX: 75/55 Finisher: 5 x...Read More
This Saturday – 4th Annual BCF vs. CFR7 Throwdown, 6-9pm then out for drinks. Come support our competitors and meet some new friends! https://www.facebook.com/events/180727718929063/ ============= Partner Wod (one partner working at a time) AMRAP 8: 10 T2B 10 C&J 135/95 (power clean permitted) Rest :90 AMRAP 8 20 CAL ROW 20 OHS 95/65 Rest :90...Read More
This Saturday – 4th Annual BCF vs. CFR7 Throwdown, 6-9pm then out for drinks. Come support our competitors and meet some new friends! https://www.facebook.com/events/180727718929063/ ===================== Front Squat 3 x 7 AHAP EMOTM 12: 1) 20 Russian KBS 32/24 FX: 24/16 2) 20/15 ring rows 3) 20/15 Row Cals 4) 1 min plank hold **Rotating Stations...Read More
Bring a friend to WOD on Wed (November 11) for Veterans Day WOD Armistice! We are asking all members to bring one (or more) friends with you for a fun WOD in support of our Veterans! No CrossFit experience is needed. https://ballstoncrossfit.com/november-11-bring-a-friend-to-wod-day-and-team-rwb-veterans-day-wod/ NOTE – no Boot Camp class tonight. ====== This Saturday – 4th Annual BCF vs. CFR7...Read More
Tonight – Free chiropractic services from Arlington Pain & Rehab from 5-6:30pm. If you are dealing with any pain or tightness, come get your body repaired! ====== Bring a friend to WOD on Wed (November 11) for Veterans Day WOD Armistice! We are asking all members to bring one (or more) friends with you for a fun WOD...Read More
Please RESERVE classes for Monday evening! ====== Bring a friend to WOD on Wed (November 11) for Veterans Day WOD Armistice! We are asking all members to bring one (or more) friends with you for a fun WOD in support of our Veterans! No CrossFit experience is needed. https://ballstoncrossfit.com/november-11-bring-a-friend-to-wod-day-and-team-rwb-veterans-day-wod/ ====== This Saturday – 4th Annual BCF vs. CFR7...Read More
Yoga with Jenna at 10am, free for members and $10 for friends! ========================================== OHS (from the rack) 4 x 3 at 85-95% of Snatch 1RM 10 min Partner AMRAP: 10 hang power cleans 95/65 10 renegade rows (choose weight) One partner runs 200m while other partner is workingRead More
Free class at noon – bring your friends! Open gym will run from 12-1:30pm today. ======================================= muscle up technique 5 Rounds for time: 5 Muscle ups 10 KBS 32kg/24kg 15 Box Jumps 24/20 FX: Ring Dips/24kg/16kg Finisher: 800m run, rest 90 seconds, 600m run, rest 60 seconds, 400m run, rest 30 seconds Read More
Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.
Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.