Q: How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join? I moved to Ballston and got a dog a couple of years ago, and I noticed this gym on one of our walks around the neighborhood. I was looking for a new community, new lifestyle and exercise changes,...Read More
Q: How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join?I am from Scotland and was doing CrossFit there so I knew that I needed to find a CrossFit box when I moved to Arlington. I have been active all my life and I have to say CrossFit is...Read More
Q: How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join? I heard about CrossFit from a friend and Ballston CrossFit member, Tiffany. What convinced me to try CrossFit was Tiffany’s enthusiasm for CrossFit training and the prospect that CrossFit programming would match my goals. Prior to CrossFit, I was...Read More
Q: How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join?I learned of Ballston CrossFit from Coach and Owner Tucker. I appreciated how committed he and the BCF team were to welcoming and including individuals from all backgrounds along with BCF’s investment in the greater community. Q: What stopped you...Read More
Q: How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join?I was doing volunteer work in Florida last December and was partnered with a person who was a CrossFit trainer in Texas. No idea how we got on the subject, but I was impressed by how he described the...Read More
Q: How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join? Before coming to BCF I did lots of pilates/barre/etc and felt like I had reached the ceiling with how hard those kinds of workouts could be because of how repetitive it was. A former roommate who knew I...Read More
Q: How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join? I always wanted to get into Crossfit after moving to NOVA post-college, so when I moved to Ballston and saw the gym was within walking distance I knew it was the perfect time to join. When I took...Read More
Q: How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join? I started doing CrossFit in November 2020 when I was living in Atlanta, GA. Growing up I was in the track and field and soccer teams at my school but once I started college I completely stopped working...Read More
I’ve never been good with consistency. Growing up, I did a bunch of different sports: gymnastics for a few years, Tae Kwon Do after that, some soccer and softball, basketball and football through middle school, and then track in high school (the team didn’t have cuts) – but nothing really stuck. In college, I would...Read More
Q: How did you find out about Ballston CrossFit and what about it convinced you to join? – I used to live next door to BCF and would always walk by on my way to work. I was looking for a part-time job to earn some extra cash and walked through the door looking for...Read More
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