Yoga is cancelled Sunday – we will re-start yoga in 2015! ================================================== Fitness & performance: EMOTM 10: 3 thrusters* *Add five to ten pounds on minute 3, 6 and 8. Fitness & performance: In teams of 2, 3 rounds: 20 shoulder to overhead, Fx: 95/65; Rx: 115/80 20 ring dips 20 front squats, Fx: 95/65;...Read More
Fitness: Power snatch, 7×2 (A) Performance: Power snatch, find heavy double EMOTM 12: 2 hang snatches* Then do 6 box jumps, 32/26 on the odd minutes Then do 6 kettlebell swings, 32/24 on the even minutes *Hang power for first six minutes (75% of heavy double), hang snatch for last six (80-85% of heavy...Read More
Fitness: Back squat, 5×3 (A) Performance: Back squat, 5×3 (65-75%)* *3 second pause at bottom of each squat. “Death by 10 Meters” On the first minute, run 10m and for every subsequent minute, add 10m. For example, on the first minute, run 10 m. On the second minute, run 20m. On the third minute,...Read More
Yoga class is once again, cancelled today. Still searching for an instructor. ========================================================= Fitness: Hang power snatch to overhead squat, 10×1 (A)* Performance: Snatch, find heavy triple *Work on the double knee bend and scope concept during the first pull. AMRAP 12: 4 snatch complexes* (80% of weight used/heavy triple) 16 double unders *Snatch...Read More
Fitness & performance: “Hammer” Five rounds, each for time, of: 135/95 pound Power clean, 5 reps 135/95 pound Front squat, 10 reps 135/95 pound Jerk, 5 reps 20 Pull-ups Rest 90 secondsRead More
Just a reminder, Sunday yoga is cancelled again. Still searching for a replacement instructor! ================================================================================ It’s American Open week – USA Weightlifting, together with USA Powerlifting, come to Dupont Circle this weekend. The American Open is in Washington this week at the Washington Hilton’s Columbia Ballroom, and tickets are priced at just $5 per day...Read More
Fitness: Overhead squat, 5×3 (A) Performance: Snatch balance and 1 overhead squat, find a heavy single Fitness: In teams of two, 10 rounds of: Row 300m 10 alternating arm dumbbell snatches, 35/20 10 should to overhead, 115/80 *One partner will complete a round. Upon completion, next partner will start the next round. Performance: In teams...Read More
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Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.