64 years young and getting stronger every day! I came from a fairly active group class at a regional gym where all around aerobics, body and hand weights were our medium. Except for a torn rotator cuff that kept me from many movements and a knee that hurt to bend I thought I was physically fit!...Read More
Look at the progress in a year for BCF members from 14.2 to 15.2 (thanks Jeff Capasso for the graphic!)! Amazing job and keep getting after it! ============================================================================== Fitness & performance: EMOTM 10: 3 back squats, 75% of 1RM Then, 5 box jumps (higher than waist) Fitness: AMRAP 12: 6 thrusters,...Read More
The Open is a good test of fitness. As leaders, we encouraged everyone to participate in this five week competition for a variety of reasons. These five weeks are an excellent opportunity to see where you are at, how far you’ve come (it was INCREDIBLE and INSPIRING to see all of the muscle up PR’s...Read More
Yoga with Julia at 10am! If you know any instructors who are available Sunday at 10am and teach a power vinyasa flow (like at Core Power or Spark Yoga), please connect us. Thanks! If you still need to do 15.3, come in the evening and be ready to start the WOD at 6:30pm. Click here for a...Read More
Fitness & performance: Muscle-up and double under technique CrossFit Open Workout 15.3 Rx’d (Rx’d Men, Masters Men 40-44, Masters Men 45-49, Masters Men 50-54, Rx’dWomen, Masters Women 40-44, Masters Women 45-49, Masters Women 50-54, Teen Boys 16-17, Teen Girls 16-17) Complete as many rounds and reps as possible in 14 minutes of: 7 muscle-ups 50 wall-ball shots...Read More
Fitness & Performance: Rope climb technique or 10 rope climbs for time – BRING YOUR TALL SOCKS (or $10 to buy some) or sweatpants to protect your legs! Fitness & performance: 3 rounds: 10 burpees 20 games standard box jumps (24/20) 200m suitcase carry Ab finisherRead More
Fitness: Power snatch to snatch balance, 10×1.2 (A) Performance: Power snatch to snatch balance, find heavy complex (1.2) *Complex is one power snatch to two snatch balances. EMOTM 20: Evens: row 15 calories Odds: 2 snatches, 75% of complexRead More
Fitness: Front squat to jerk, 10×1 (A) Fitness: Front squat to jerk, find heavy single Fitness: AMRAP 12: 12 handstand pushups 12 kettlebell swings, 24/16* 12 sit-ups 200m run Performance: AMRAP 12: 12 handstand pushups (guys to a 45lb deficit) 12 kettlebell swings, 32/24* 12 sit-ups 200m run *Games Standard kettlebell swings Read More
EMOTM 10: Evens: 5 muscle ups Odds: 5 box jumps (high – athletes choice) Fitness & performance: AMRAP 15: 5 power cleans, 145/100 15 wallball shots, 20/14* 30 double unders *Each time you drop the wallball shots, add 5 double unders to rep count for remainder of the workout.Read More
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Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.