REMINDER – Tonight, Friday (4/17), the 6:30pm class is cancelled for the Wod+Wine Ladies Night event with Coach Sarah! Reserve a spot in the 4:30 & 5:30pm class to make sure you get your workout in! ================================================================================================================= Fitness: Deadlift, 3×10 (A) Performance: Deadlift, 3×10 (ME) Fitness: 9-15-21: Push press, 95/65 Box jumps, 24/20 Toes...Read More
REMINDER – This Friday (4/17), the 6:30pm class is cancelled for the Wod+Wine Ladies Night event with Coach Sarah! Reserve a spot in the 5:30pm class to make sure you get your workout in! ================================================================================================================= DODGEBALL WARMUP!!! (with a fitness twist!) Fitness: Kipping ring dip technique Performance: Ring dips, 4 sets of max reps...Read More
Fitness: Power clean + 2 jerks, 6×1.2 (A) Performance: Power clean + 2 jerks, find a heavy single of complex Fitness & performance: “Man Test” AMRAP 10: Clean & jerk (BW/70%BW) *Compare to 4/19/2014Read More
Fitness: Back squat, 6×3 (A) Performance: Back squat, 6×3 (A) – 86-88% of 1RM Fitness & Performance: 12 minute cap: Run 1 mile (800×2) *With the remainder of the 12 minutes, complete as many kettlebell swings as possible (Fx: 24/15; Rx: 32/24). Score is total kettlebell swings.Read More
Come test your fitness in a paintball battle between BCF & CFR7 athletes!! Hogback Mountain Paintball. Price $45 for everything ($15 for 500 more paintballs if you are trigger happy. Friends welcome to join! 9am – 12:30pm. We are meeting at BCF at 8am to carpool out (you can just show up if you decide last...Read More
Tomorrow, Sunday April 12th, come test your fitness in a paintball battle between BCF & CFR7 athletes!! Hogback Mountain Paintball. Price $45 for everything ($15 for 500 more paintballs if you are trigger happy. Friends welcome to join! 9am – 12:30pm ================================================================== Fitness & performance: CrossFit Total: Back squat, find 1RM Press, find 1RM Deadlift, find...Read More
FYI – we will be doing the CF Total on Sat, so feel free to scale the CF Triathlon down (half the reps or just 1-2 rounds) if you want to focus on a big CF Total! ================================================================= Fitness & performance: “CrossFit Triathalon” 3 rounds for time: Row 1000m 100 double unders Run 800m *Compare to...Read More
Fitness & Performance: EMOTM 12: 2 power cleans *Choose a challenging weight Fitness: 21-15-9: Hang power cleans, 95/65 Pull-ups Performance: 21-15-9: Hang power cleans, 115/80 Pull-ups 10 min cap – move fast! Finisher: Ab finisherRead More
Fitness: Snatch, 10×1 (A) Performance: Snatch, find a heavy single* *Pause three seconds above the knee. Fitness & performance: EMOTM 12: Power snatch to overhead squat, 80% of weight used in strength *With remainder of minute, complete as many over the bar burpees as possible. Score is total over the bar burpess.Read More
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Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.