Free WOD at noon – bring your friends out to try CrossFit!
Come out today and show some love for all the athletes of CFR7 and BCF this weekend at Team SuperFit DC at Trident CrossFit. It’s an all day team competition. If you’ve never seen a competitive fitness event in person then get down there. $10 at the door. For more info click here.
Cash In: 100 DU or 20 attempts then 100 singles
10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1 reps of:
Clean and Jerk (rx155/115, fx135/95 or weight to be able to get 5-7 unbroken)
1 Rope Climb or 10 ring rows.
Cash Out: 100 Double Unders (sub: same as before)
*1 rope climb or 10 ring rows will be done after each round.
Example: 10 C&J then 1 rope climb. 9 C&J then 1 rope climb…..
Finisher: Tabata 10 Rounds of Flutter kicks