Wednesday, October 28, 2015


Wednesday, October 28, 2015

“Halloween Horror” partner WOD (costumes encouraged and one working at a time):
200m Pumpkin suitcase carry (one pumpkin per team)
100 Pumpkin swings*
100 Pumpkin cleans
100 Pumpkin squats*
100 Pumpkin Push Press
100 Russian Twists w/ Pumpkin*
100 Walking overhead Pumpkin lunges
100 Box step-ups with your Pumpkin 20″ *
100 Burpees over the Pumpkin
200m Pumpkin suitcase carry (one pumpkin per team)

NOTE: During movements with an *, 2nd partner must hold a plank (forearm or on hands) while other partner is moving the pumpkin. Pumpkin cannot move if partner is not holding a plank.
Rx Pumpkin = 24/16 KB