Overview of the Week WODsEventsMondayFront SquatsFree ART Soft Tissue Release (5:15-7:15p)TuesdaySnatchesFree Beginner CrossFit Class (6:30 pm) Core Blast (6:45 pm)WednesdayRunningFree Airrosti FIT Assessments (5:15-7:15p)ThursdayBack Squat3:30 pm Class & Afternoon Open Gym is on!FridayGymnasticsSaturdayDeadliftSunday“16.3”Yoga (10:00 am)Skills Class (Pull-ups & Chest-to-Bar, 1:20 pm) Strength: Front SquatE3MOM 213 Pause Front Squats (Build to a Max. Effort)5 seconds in...Read More
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Complete the form below and then you will automatically be routed to our page with rates and the option to register for our Beginners Foundations course.