
The Best Yoga in Arlington

Top-Rated CrossFit Gym In The DMV

Yoga is critical to maintaining the flexibility and mobility to be a good athlete.  At our gym in Arlington we are excited to offer yoga every Sunday at 10am as an outlet to join, unite, and enhance performance both physically and mentally. Our yoga is a power vinyasa that is designed specifically for athletes. Yoga is free for members and $15 cash for visitors/drop-ins. By adding yoga to your CrossFit regime, athletes will be able to accomplish the following:

Cultivate a solid foundation, alignment, and greater awareness to move freely through daily activities.
Balance high intensity workouts while maintaining/increasing flexibility and mobility to prevent injuries through active stretches and movements.
Condition the body and mind to create space for change and to handle adverse situations that daily stresses can bring, both physically and mentally.
Encourage the body’s natural detoxification process through movement.
Build strength and balance (hello handstands!) by exploring your boundaries and getting out of your comfort zone.

Yoga allows members to see their weakest links and work on improving them in a non-weight bearing environment.

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