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Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Hip Hop Yoga and Dance Party with Sima on Friday night. Join Rx’d Yoga for an hour long yoga class set to hip hop music with an awesome DJ to keep the mood going. $10 drop-in includes class and dance party right after class! Best dressed will win a gift card to Reebok.
Rope climbing technique or 10 rope climbs for time – bring your tall socks or long pants!!
Fitness & Performance:

  • 10 push presses, 115/80
  • 10 kettlebell swings, 24/16
  • 10 box jumps, 24/20


Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Overhead squat, 5×5 (A)
Front squat, 115/80
*Run 200m after each round
Overhead squat, 2×5 (85%), 2×3 (90%); 2×1 (95%)
Front squat, 155/105
*Run 200m after each round
**Athletes note: any weight over 135 needs to be at the front of the platform by the windows, anything over 185 needs to be in the back section of the platform. Weight under 135 can be dropped onto crash mats (please cover them with a piece of ballistic tile)


Monday, April 7, 2014

Thanks to everyone for participating in the fundraiser for Adam on Saturday!! We had an incredible turnout…and we raised over $10,000 to help Adam out with his medical expenses!! AWESOME WORK, love this community at BCF!!
Chiro Dr. Doug Gold from Full Motion Life and Sport will be treating any soft tissue issues for our athletes from 5-6pm.
Reminder – no 9:30am WOD anymore on Mon/Wed (we will continue to have it on Friday due to the good turnout).
As always, be sure to reserve class. Reminder, click on this link from your smart phone to create an app to easily reserve classes: ballstoncrossfit.zenplanner.com
Bench press, 5×5 (A)
4 rounds, 1 minute stations:

  • Pull ups
  • Push ups
  • Weighted sit-ups, 25/15
  • Weighted air squats, 25/15

Bench press, 1×10; 2×5; 2×3 (ME)
4 rounds, 1 minute stations:

  • Chest to bar pull ups
  • Handstand pushups
  • Weighted sit-ups, 25/15
  • Weighted air squats, 25/15


Sunday, April 6, 2014

Yoga with Sima at 10am.
Clean & jerk, 10×1 (A)

  • Clean & jerk, 115/80
  • Box jumps, 24/20

Clean & jerk, find heavy single

  • Clean & jerk, 135/95
  • Box jumps, 32/24



Saturday, April 5, 2014

Reminder – fundraiser for Adam is today at 10:30am.
So far, Adam’s friends and family have donated $3,480 in the last 2 weeks. Goal is to raise $1,520 more. BCF will match the money donated, let’s see if we can hit $10,000!
Non-BCF members are welcome (they must donate at least $10). If members on a Gold membership donate, you don’t need to sign in for class. I would love to see the BCF team rally around this coach in need. Details below:
Online donation options (if you are unable to attend the event on Saturday): paypal money to Adam’s mom Valerie[email protected] or you can make a tax deductible donation through the Homeless Hope website (I am the Director of this not-for-profit and we have decided to use this as a vehicle to support Adam) and all donations received between March 29-April 6 will be given to Adam. http://www.homelesshope.org/
Recently, Coach Adam had a momentary lapse in agility and coordination, and fell and cut his lip badly (multiple stitches) and broke/damaged a lot of teeth. Lets rally around Adam and show our support as a community (he has some very expensive dental work in his future as he needs to have 5 teeth removed).
What: Team WOD
Why: Because we we love our BCF coaches and have a coach who is in need
Where: BCF, of course!
Who: BCF members and non-members are welcome!
When: Saturday, April 5, 10:30am (all other WODs are cancelled that day)
Suggested donation: $20-$50 (bring cash or donate online). BCF will be providing at least a 100% match to your donation.
Alternative suggested donation: Bring favorite new grill for Adam: http://www.bigdawgsbling.com/ 😉
Online donation options: paypal money to Adam’s mom Valerie [email protected] or you can make a tax deductible donation through the Homeless Hope website (I am the Director of this not-for-profit and we have decided to use this as a vehicle to support Adam) and all donations received between March 29-April 6 will be given to Adam. http://www.homelesshope.org/
**Note: Adam’s injury was NOT CrossFit related (I just wanted to clarify as I’ve received many questions about it)
Proverbs 14:31: “He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.”
“Adam ‘Grillz’ Garcia”
In teams of 6, AMRAP 30:

  • Kettlebell Swings 24/16
  • Push-ups
  • Walking Overhead lunges (25/15)
  • Wall Balls
  • Sit-ups

*Without faceplanting, one partner will run 200m while the other partners complete work at each station. Once the runner returns, partners will rotate stations. Score = total reps


Friday, April 4, 2014

Reminder – fundraiser for Adam is THIS Sat at 10:30am. All Sat WODs are cancelled and we will all WOD together at 10:30am (it’d be helpful if you reserved so we can plan the WOD). I would love to see the BCF team rally around this coach in need. Details below:
Online donation options (if you are unable to attend the event on Saturday): paypal money to Adam’s mom Valerie[email protected] or you can make a tax deductible donation through the Homeless Hope website (I am the Director of this not-for-profit and we have decided to use this as a vehicle to support Adam) and all donations received between March 29-April 6 will be given to Adam. http://www.homelesshope.org/
Recently, Coach Adam had a momentary lapse in agility and coordination, and fell and cut his lip badly (multiple stitches) and broke/damaged a lot of teeth. Lets rally around Adam and show our support as a community (he has some very expensive dental work in his future as he has had 4 teeth removed).
What: Team WOD
Why: Because we we love our BCF coaches and have a coach who is in need
Where: BCF, of course!
Who: BCF members and non-members are welcome!
When: Saturday, April 5, 10:30am (all other WODs are cancelled that day)
Suggested donation: $20-$50 (bring cash or donate online). BCF will be providing at least a 100% match to your donation.
Alternative suggested donation: Bring favorite new grill for Adam: http://www.bigdawgsbling.com/ 😉
Online donation options: paypal money to Adam’s mom Valerie [email protected] or you can make a tax deductible donation through the Homeless Hope website (I am the Director of this not-for-profit and we have decided to use this as a vehicle to support Adam) and all donations received between March 29-April 6 will be given to Adam. http://www.homelesshope.org/
**Note: Adam’s injury was NOT CrossFit related (I just wanted to clarify as I’ve received many questions about it)
Proverbs 14:31: “He who oppresses the poor shows contempt for their Maker, but whoever is kind to the needy honors God.”
Deadlift, 5×5 (A)
*Increase 5-10 pounds from last week.
Deadlift, 3×3 (85%), 2×2 (90%), 2×1 (95%)
Fitness & performance:

  • Ring dips
  • Box jumps, 24/20

*3 rope climb ascents after each round


Thursday, April 3, 2014

Front squat, 5×3 (A)
Power clean to 2 front squats, 135/95
*Max rep double unders for remainder of the minute (score is total reps including double unders and front squats)
Front squat, 3×3 (85%), 2×2 (90%), 2×1 (95%)
Power clean to 2 front squats, 175/120
*Max rep double unders for remainder of the minute.


Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Reminder – no 9:30am WOD today. We will only have the 9:30am WOD on Friday going forward.
Technique: muscle ups and kipping pull-ups
Fitness & Performance:
In teams of 2, AMRAP 20:
21 wall balls (20/14)
21 pull-ups
15 wall balls (20/14)
15 pull-ups
9 wall balls (20/14)
9 pull-ups
*while one partner is working, the other will complete a 400m run. Switch upon return of the run.