Wednesday, October 18, 2017

Congratulations to our athletes who competed at the Festivus Games last weekend! A huge shoutout to Eric Rubino on his second place win, and props to Mackie Klein and Stacey B. Barrack for participating in their very first CrossFit competition!


We have recently entered into a 6-8 week gymnastics cycle. Why train gymnastics? It is important to have a baseline strength for bodyweight movements. Strength starts with the ability to move your body through space with purpose and certainty. Body control and awareness of positions will have a large carryover into loaded movement mechanics and ability. Throughout this gymnastics cycle, we will develop and strengthen all gymnastics movements (as well as improve efficiency of movements). These gains will improve our pure gymnastics skills but also improve our performance in WODs. We will work to master the hollow position, push up, pull up, kipping, handstand, lunges, muscle ups, etc.
Most Gymnastics work will be set as the strength and skill for the day. It is important to train gymnastics without the distraction of competing in order develop neurological path ways and coordination. Perfect practice doesn’t make perfect, perfect practice makes better performance. Athletes are encouraged to utilize as a resource for skills, drills and progressions.
Who is ready for their first muscle up?!?

Kipping Ring Dip Technique
RX: AMRAP 6 min ME Ring dips
AMRAP 20 Partner WOD (one partner working at a time):
20 Pull Ups
20 Shoulder to Overhead 155/105, Fx: 135/95
20 Toes to Bar
20 WBS 20/14
20 Cal Row