It’s finally time – the 2015 CrossFit Games Open gets underway this week! Here’s everything you need to know about how the Open will work at BCF & CFR7 this year.
15.1: February 26 -March 2
15.2: March 5-9
15.3: March 12-16
15.4: March 19-23
15.5: March 26-30 (March 27 Friday Night Lights Throwdown at CFR7!)
Every Thursday night for five weeks, CrossFit HQ will announce a new Open workout, and athletes all over the world have until Monday at 8:00pm EST to complete the workout and post their score online. To receive an official score, athletes must either be judged at an affiliate or submit a video online.
Rx + Scaled Divisions
For the first time in 2015, a scaled option of the Open workout will be released each week of the Open. With reduced loading or less challenging movements, the scaled option will make the Open even more accessible.
Anyone can sign up to compete — last year, the Open reached more than 209,000 athletes from around the world.
We encourage EVERYONE to sign up and complete the Open workouts. If you’re new to CrossFit, the Open will give you a benchmark to compare yourself to next year. If you’ve done the Open in years past, there is no greater yardstick for measuring your progress. Regardless of experience and ability, the Open is at the heart of what makes our community so special. It will push you, challenge you and show you what you’re capable of — don’t deprive yourself of the experience!
Whether you’re officially competing or not, all BCF and CFR7 athletes will have the opportunity to complete the Open workouts — Open workouts will be the programmed CFR7 WOD on Fridays and BCF WODs on Saturdays (athletes of both boxes can attend either box to do the Open WOD).
You can sign up for the Open on the Games website for $20 here: http://games.crossfit.
Athletes MUST be registered by 8:00PM on February 26th.
To receive an official score on an Open workout, all athletes competing will have a judge for their Open WOD.
Recording your score
To receive an official score on an Open workout, all athletes competing will need to submit their score to the Open website by 8pm EST on Monday. HQ does not give ANY EXCEPTIONS for this, so just submit immediately after you complete the WOD so you don’t forget (put Tucker or Chris as your judge)! There is an app that makes it really easy to submit and see where you stand in the box, region and world!!
Fitness & performance:
Clean and power clean technique
Fitness & performance:
5 rounds for time:
12 deadlifts, 155/105
9 hang power cleans, 155/105
6 push jerks, 155/105″
*Compare to 5/11/2014
Tabata ab finisher