FREE Muscle-up clinic from 4-4:30pm on Thursday with Coach Tucker! Skip out of work early and show up!
OPEN workouts will be held on SATURDAYs at BCF and Fridays at CFR7.
All Ballston CrossFit members and AVA Ballston Residents are invited to our BCF Paleo Potluck! Join us for an evening of community building and clean eating from 7:30-9:30pm in the AVA Ballston Lounge.
Please prepare a paleo appetizer, entree, or dessert for the group to share!
When: Saturday, February 27, 7:30-9:30pm
Where: AVA Ballston Lounge
4650 Washington Blvd
Arlington, VA 22201
**to the right of the tennis courts behind BCF**
RSVP on Facebook
GHD Hip Extension instruction
For Time, with a partner:
120 Cal Row
100 WBS 20/14
80 Cal Row
60 WBS 20/14
40 Cal Row
20 WBS 20/14
RX: 4×10 unbroken C2B pull-ups
FX: 4×10 unbroken pull-ups