Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Skills Class Tonight!  8:30pm we are covering kipping pullups, kipping ring-dips and double unders. Come one, come all and sharpen your craft. The Open is coming and will have at least two of these movements! We all can improve something every day, invest in yourself. MAKE SURE YOU REGISTER FOR A SPOT ONLINE AS THEY USUALLY GO FAST!!!
Congratulations to Our Nutrition Challenge Winners!
Nearly 80 of our members participated in the BCF Nutrition 101 Partner Challenge over the last month and saw amazing results cleaning up their nutrition, and stepping up their fitness goals and workouts! Out of 36 teams, there were FIVE teams with perfect overall scores in the challenge.  They are listed below in order of their percentage improvement in the benchmark workout test. Well done teams, and congratulations!
1. Team Carbivore (Charlie Romero, Stacey Erickson)
2. Blonde and Blonder (Anne Marie Birchmeier, Pamela Pryor)
3. The Dynamic Duo (Kelly Wagner, Madison Moore)
4. Brown Sugar (Ashley Timmer, Samir Mian)
5. Perkis Power (Meg Krasenics, Jeff Capasso)
Come out Friday night and celebrate a fun night out with box members as we celebrate the 3 year anniversary of BCF!! Fun gets started at Carpool around 8:00pm! Link to Facebook invitation here.

The CrossFit Open is upon us. It starts at the end of this month! Join the community in this awesome challenge and see what we are all made of as a team. We guarantee you’ll do things you never thought possible. The registration fee is $20. Click here to register and select Ballston Crossfit as your affiliate. Let’s do this!

High-hang clean, 7×3 (A)
High-hang clean to hang clean (above knee), find a heavy single
Fitness & performance:
4 sets of 500m row sprint*, rest 3 min
*record slowest time