Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Labor Day Weekend Schedule:
Friday: Regular schedule
Saturday: 10am WOD, 11am WOD, 12-1pm Free class and Open Gym – Coach Rich
Sunday: 11:15am WOD (Travis), 12:15-1:30 Open Gym and Skills Class – Coach Kathleen
Monday: 10am WOD (Rich) 5:30pm (Kathleen)
Be sure to tape your hands and shave those callouses down (we sell a callous shaver if you need it) – especially if you plan to hit over 20 rounds of Cindy!

5 Pull up
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats
*Compare 6/17/14


Rope Climb Technique (bring tall socks or buy some BCF ones!)
RX: EMOM 8 , 1 Legless + 5 burpees
FX: EMOM 8, 1 ascent + 5 burpees