Tuesday, November 4, 2014

Technique: Kipping Pull-up technique (also muscle up technique at 5:30, 6:30 & 7:30pm WODs) or 50 pull-ups for time or 30 muscle ups for time
Fitness & performance:
“BCF vs. CFSA Throwdown Team WoD #1”
In teams of four, complete relay of:

  • 25 calorie row
  • 20 shoulders to overhead, 135/80
  • 15 pull-ups (chest to bar for the guys)
  • 15 toes to bar
  • 20 front squats, 135/80
  • 25 burpees onto a 45lb plate, 24/20

*One athlete will work at a time. When the athlete has finished each movement, they will tag the hand of the next athlete then the next athlete will start that movement.