Tuesday, June 3, 2014

BCF Baseball game – June 21st! Click here to register.
If any of the guys are interested in BCF shorts, you can place your order for them here. These are awesome WOD shorts and very durable!
Fitness & performance:
5 rounds for reps:

  • Max rep bench press, bodyweight
  • Max rep pull ups

*Rest appx 3 minutes rest between each movement
L-sits on rings, 3 sets of max hold

Compare to Aug 20, 2013: https://www.facebook.com/ballstoncrossfit/photos/pb.294215720601971.-2207520000.1401723778./618241574866049/?type=3&theater

Compare to May 7, 2013: https://www.facebook.com/photo.php?fbid=572572496099624&set=pb.294215720601971.-2207520000.1376936582.&type=3&theater