Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Free Boot Camp and Yoga tonight at CrossFit Route 7, 6:30-8:00 pm! Invite your friends , bring a mat if you have one, and get ready for a great time!
Free chiropractic treatment at BCF courtesy of Arlington Pain and Rehab, 5:00-6:30pm.
Thursday, February 11: 
*spoiler alert* Thursday’s WOD will be FRAN! Schedule your rest days appropriately if you want to feel fresh for this brutal and beloved benchmark!
Please join us Thursday, February 11, 2016 at 8:00pm for our BCF Trifecta party: 4th Anniversary, Nutrition Challenge Completion and farewell to Coaches John, Jake, James and Sarah!
Sign up now for Intermediate Olympic Weightlifting!   Athletes at all levels are welcome to register. Class starts March 5 and runs for 4 weeks (1.5 hours each session) meeting Saturday from 2:30-4pm and will culminate with a mock olympic weightlifting meet!
Back Squat:
3 x 1 @ 95%

4 rounds – 45 sec work, 15 sec rest/rotate:
Station 1 – Russian kb swings 24/16
Station 2 – OH Lunges 45/25 FX: 25/15 (in place)
Station 3 – sit-ups
Station 4 – box jumps 24/20 Games standard