Tuesday, February 23, 2016

As CrossFitters we are constantly varying our training, trying new things and training for the unknowable. As a community we strive to build relationships with neighboring CrossFit communities.  Come meet our Friends JJ and Casey for BCF & CFR7 Ninja Saturday Funday!

CrossFit Loudoun is home of Northern Virginia Ninja Training. CFL/NVNT has 5,600 square foot facility that features over a dozen ninja warrior obstacles including;
    • Two Warped Walls (one 8ft, one 14ft and cut outs at 10 & 12 ft)
    • Salmon Ladder
    • Devil Steps with ring toss, door knob, and peg ball obstacles
    • Canon Ball Alley
    • Jumping Spider with Rumbling Dice
    • Quintuple Steps
    • Balance Tank
    • Unstable Bridge & Ultimate Skywalker

and more! Come put your grip strength to the test as seen on American Ninja Warrior! #constantlyvaried
What: BCF & CFR7 Ninja Saturday Funday!
When: Sat, Feb 27 @3pm
Where: CrossFit Loudoun and Ninja
Why: because everyone wants to be a ninja!
Cost: $15/person (cash)
See you there!

Front Squat:
20 Minutes to Find Heavy Triple

3 x AMRAP 2 (6 min total work)
3 Deadlifts 165/110, FX: 115/80
3 Hang Power Cleans 165/110, FX: 115/80
3 Shoulder to Overhead 165/110, FX: 115/80
9 Burpees
Rest 2:00
Score is Total Rounds + Reps. Start where you left off in the previous AMRAP for a total rounds + reps at the end of the 3 AMRAPs.