Today! 8 Days of Hanukkah WOD!!
Today! Core Blast! 5:40pm. 30 mins of Core Work. Use your membership or drop in for $10.
Today! FREE CrossFit Intro Class at 6:30pm. Email: [email protected] to join!
Today! FREE Chiropractic Adjustment by Arlington Pain and Rehab. Details Here
Thursday: Core Blast! 6:40pm. 30 mins of Core Work. Use your membership or drop in for $10.
Saturday: FREE CrossFit Intro Class at Noon. Email: [email protected] to join!
Holiday Schedule Updates: or check the Schedule Here
Friday, Dec. 23: CANCELLED: 5:30pm/6:30pm WOD and 5:30pm Boot Camp
Saturday, Dec. 24: There is a 10am WOD, 11am – 1pm Open Gym and a Noon Free Intro Class ONLY
Sunday, Dec. 25: CLOSED. The one day of the year we are CLOSED Merry Christmas!
8 nights of Hanukkah
Partner Workout- One working one resting
8 rounds for time
8 power cleans 135/95 (fx 115/75)
8 burpee over bar
8 shoulder to overhead 135/95 (fx 115/75)
8 box jumps 24/20
8 handstand pushups (fx hand release pushups)
8 kettlebell swings 32/24 (fx 24/16)
8 toes to bar
8 thrusters 135/95 115/75(fx 115/75)