Wednesday, October 6, 2021

SKILLS CLASS TONIGHT AT 6:40PM (Hand stand holds and walk)

Whiskey and Wine WOD!– 6:30PM


Every 1:30 for 5 Sets of Each
1: 4 Sotts Press (Front Rack) + 8 Strict Press (↑)
2: :30 Dead Hang then :30 Active Hang on Pull Up Bar

Every 1:30 for 5 Sets
1: 4 Sotts Press (Behind the neck, Grip as wide as needed) + 8 Strict Press (↑)
2: :15 – :20 Dead Hang then :15 – :20 Active Hang on Pull Up Bar


4 Rounds
6 Each Arm Kettlebell Front Squat (24/16) (Fx: 16/12) (Rx+: 32/24)
12 Push Press (115/80) (Fx: 75/55) (Rx+: 135/95)